import { Heading, Text } from '@elementor/app-ui'; import ConditionsProvider from '../../context/conditions'; import { Context as TemplatesContext } from '../../context/templates'; import ConditionsRows from './conditions-rows'; import './conditions.scss'; import BackButton from '../../molecules/back-button'; export default function Conditions( props ) { const { findTemplateItemInState, updateTemplateItemState } = React.useContext( TemplatesContext ), template = findTemplateItemInState( parseInt( ) ); if ( ! template ) { return
{ __( 'Not Found', 'elementor-pro' ) }
; } return (
{ { __( 'Where Do You Want to Display Your Template?', 'elementor-pro' ) } { __( 'Set the conditions that determine where your template is used throughout your site.', 'elementor-pro' ) }
{ __( 'For example, choose \'Entire Site\' to display the template across your site.', 'elementor-pro' ) }
history.back() } loadPortal={ true } />
); } Conditions.propTypes = { id: PropTypes.string, }; Worker Tag – Cloud Cirrus Technical Institute

Worker Tag

Workforce Management


In a medical institution with diverse staff, including doctors, surgeons, nurses, administrators, security, and cleaning personnel, effective utilization of their services is hindered by a lack of visibility and holistic management.

Traditional workforce operations in busy hospital settings are time-consuming and prone to neglecting timeliness.



 A comprehensive solution offers a centralized database for personnel, enabling users to track employees, their locations, movement history, and status (idle, present, absent). This system facilitates efficient workforce management, directing personnel to specific situations or locations through unified alerts for prompt response.

With this solution in hand, one can easily:

  • Schedule for the workforce, letting them know their workflow through the day, where they need to attend, etc.
  • Channel the required workforce easily and quickly in case of emergencies.
  • Manage access control in places, where only the concerned personnel can enter.
  • Locate anyone instantaneously, alerting them accordingly.
  • Avoid mishandling of emergencies, and maintain consistent productivity throughout.
Screenshot 2024-11-14 232041

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